Sunday, 30 October 2011

Christmas cards (only 55 days to go!)

Crafting brings me a lot of joy, but it's doubled when I can share it with others.

Would anyone like a few simple and elegant handmade Christmas cards for this year? I have already made my own quota and still have lots of supplies left!

Leave me a comment below and I'd be happy to make some for you to give to your friends and family!

The craft room of loveliness

Some lucky people have their own hobby room, where they can do anything that they please. Scrapbooking, sewing, maybe a little model railway if that what floats your boat. Me, well, I have half a room. Our spare room is our guestroom slash my craft room- and I love it.

I tried to keep one end of the room as the guest room- with a bed and some furniture for people that stay at hotel Leah, and the other end of the room for my craft desk and bounteous supplies. But it hasn't really worked out that way. The bed has boxes of fabric underneath, the wardrobe is full of wrapping paper, ribbon and gift bags, and the chest of drawers currently houses all of the Christmas cards I've made for this year (and, I might add, the stamps that I'll need to send them)

Until recently we had a dear friend living with us, and when she left I took the opportunity to give my craft room a revamp. I planned the new bits of furniture and baskets/boxes I'd need, sketched designs of what it looked like- then threw all of these plans away because during all of my 'Grand Designs' planning, I forgot that the space I had to work with was only about 12' by 7'!

I love my new set up and how much easier if is for me to work on my projects. 
The fab bookcase was 99p from Ebay and the IT guy painted it for me in this lovely Farrow and Ball off-white. The desk is actually a computer desk and I really love that there's lots of cubby holes and storage compartments

I like being able to see my rubber stamps properly and now I can more easily choose which one I need for a particular card or project

Gift wrap central

Where I sew all of my own clothes (not!)

And finally, my two motto's in life...

Also, these are both notebooks- does that say something else about me?

Friday, 28 October 2011

Call me Lehi

It's not uncommon for me to have pretty vivid dreams, I apparently have a very active imagination. On Wednesday night however, I had a particularly disturbing one, though I don't remember it in too much detail now.
Here's what I remember- there was a national crisis of some variety, and the IT guy and I were fleeing the country with my sister and her family (in their big wagon of a car) We had all been taken by surprise so we hadn't taken anything with us and I think we all had pyjamas on too. Not exactly the vision of emergency preparedness. Some strange people were chasing us in the dream too, though I think this is where my dream blurs into some sort of sci-fi movie, again, not uncommon.

As a result of this night time episode, I woke from my 'vision' with an overwhelming urge to prepare 72 hour packs for myself and the IT guy. After all, Dennis Quaid could show up at any moment and I want to be one of those people hanging out on top of a sky scraper waiting for him, not dead in the snow.
I set to work that very day.

I had a spurt of righteousness a few months ago and visited a local camping shop to buy folding saucepans, compasses that I don't know how to read, and the like- so I knew that we had most of the necessary pack contents around the house. All that was left was to sew a couple of small towels and get some miniature shower gel's from the bathroom cupboard (there's no need for hygiene to go out of the window just because you're trekking to Missouri!), pack my Twilight book and raid the kitchen cupboards for food that could be prepared over a small fire.

Result! Two hiking backpacks that we would have no hope of being able to carry for more than about five miles and a list on the noticeboard of items to grab if ever we had to leave the house at short notice.

Earthquakes, avalanches and floods- we're ready for you!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Life as I know it

My life as I know it now began here, on 11th September 2010.

Lots of things changed that day
  • Renouncing my old name and taking on one that's only fractionally less common than 'Jones'
  • Accepting that I was now supposed to be an adult. I had a 'Mrs' in front of my name AND a mortgage
  • Beginning to think about things like whether the ironing was up to date, how clean the fridge was and when the IT guy's next dentist appointment is
But what really changed for me was entwining my life with someone elses, and having a comrade to travel with through life's journey.

So even though I had been alive for 22 years when I got married, I feel like this is where it all began. 

Monday, 24 October 2011

A place for my ponderings

I told myself that I was much too busy to blog. I told myself that blogging is for other people, and not for me. But blogland persevered, and here I am, blogging.

It all began when someone mentioned a friends blog to me and I thought I should probably take a look ('because that's what good friends do', I told myself) Behold, a compulsion was born. Now I find myself slightly addicted to the blogs of friends and other bakers, organisers and crafters both near and far! The ideas, the photographs, the insight- it's like a feast for the mind!

My intention is that this blog will be my a place for my ponderings (which may well interest only myself!), projects (realised, unrealised and somewhere inbetween) and plans (of which there are many).

Welcome to my world.