Thursday, 23 February 2012


I came across something recently that really struck a chord with me...
Does anyone else sometimes feel like they fill their lives with things that aren't important, and don't leave room for the most important things? I know I do. I always have lists of jobs that I 'need' to do and I don't always leave time for the things I love. Date night, crafts, photography and baking are just a few of the things that often get the chop if I feel like I'm too busy.

In honesty, how often are these jobs really that important? If the laundry, cleaning or garage reorganisation project doesn't get done until tomorrow (or next week!), would that be the end of the world? Apologies to a lovely friend from church who once advised me to 'always leave the sink empty at the end of each evening', but I've left dishes for a number of days before and surprisingly- nothing happened. No one came to tell me off, we didn't run out of plates and have to eat dinner straight from the pan, and oddly, it was kind of liberating.

For me, it's all about simplifying. The things we enjoy in life aren't generally elaborate or complicated, they're the simple and beautiful. Let's allow these things to be the bread and butter of our lives, and allow the less important things to fill the gaps. Not the other way around.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Staying warm

I'm sure we're not the only couple who, when starting out, have to put up with a few things around the home that we don't like much. I sometimes have to remind myself that my older siblings are a lot further on in their married lives than I am, so I shouldn't compare or wish for what they have! One thing that I feel this way about is the temperature of our house.
During our first winter in our home we couldn't believe how cold it was inside so we turned our electric storage heaters up to high and enjoyed being marginally warmer (though not toasty by any means!) Along came February and we received a hefty electricity bill- on top of our monthly payments we £350 owed for the privalige of feeling almost warm through the winter. What's that about?! I vowed that we wouldn't do that again this year so I thought I'd share with you a few tips that we've learned this winter about keeping warm.

Calor Gas Heaters
Our best friend by far this year has been our gas heater. It warms up the room a treat and sitting in front of it I can almost imagine it's an open fire in the farm house of my dreams. A gas bottle is about £21 and through the winter we've replaced it once a month. Not so great if you have children with curious fingers though.

Electric Oil Filled Radiators
Really great for a gradual warming effect, not as immediate as the gas heater. Ours is on a thermostat so it clicks off when the room warms up.

Hot Water Bottles and Wheat Bags
Oh wheat bag, how I love thee. Things like this are a real quick solition to chilly hands or feet. I like to put mine on my lap whilst I'm on the sofa, in the car or in bed. Not very useful if you're constantly on the move.

Electric Blankets
My hero. My electric blanket saves me from the hellishness that is a cold bed. One day we'll invest in a double electric blanket, but for now the IT guy just has to snuggle on my side of the bed where the blanket is (shame!)

Extra Clothes
The IT guy's big warm jumpers are great for when I'm just around the house. When I'm going out and need to be wearing my own clothes, layers are the way to go. They trap the air much better than one or two thick layers and you can take take off/add on to adjust your temperature as needed.
Extra socks are a great way to warm up and putting your hood up or wearing a hat for a while works a treat. Thermals are nothing to be ashamed of, but I know they're not everyone's cup of tea!

Have blankets everywhere- on the bed, on the sofa for tv time- not only are they practical but they look nice and homey too. Bonus.

Get Moving
A little housework or tidying up after children/husbands can help get the blood moving and keep you warm. Try not to work up a sweat though because sweat works to cool you down.

Get Cooking
Having the oven or the hobs going really warms things up. I've known my Mum to get in from church on a Sunday and turn all four gas hobs on just to warm the kitchen up! I'm not suggesting you do that, but try a new recipe and you'll soon find your hands thawing again!

Put Something Warm into Your Body
Whether it's a hot drink, soup or a hearty meal, hot food warms us from the inside out. Replace your salads with hot vegetables and your bread side dishes with potato. Small changes like this really make a difference. Our bodies can't work hard to keep warm if we're not eating nutritious meals.

Take a Warm Bath or Shower
Nothing warms me up like a warm bath. Take a book and use some bubble bath and it's a lovely treat as well. It almost makes me welcome cold weather (I only said almost!)

Visit Someone 
When it gets really chilly at home, it's so lovely to go to my sisters house and soak up all of their warmth. I like to perch on the window ledge while everyone's chatting as it's right above a radiator =) Everyone loves getting visitors and if you take some of your baking (above) then you're sure to be welcome!

Just find out what works for you. It may sound silly, but I've found that if I wear my hair down it helps my neck and ears stay lovely and warm.
It's horrid being cold in the one place you want to go to relax and feel comfortable, but with a little thought it doesn't have to cost the earth or be a stress during the cold months.

Happy Friday!