Thursday, 3 November 2011

Money saving antics

You may or may not know that I'm a bit of a bargain hunter. I often have coupons to use when I'm doing my weekly shop, I sign up for free samples of things and get quite excited when there's something good in the reduced section in the supermarket that is 'suitable for home freezing.'
That's not to say that I don't spend money (because I do!), I just like to think that I'm saving money on some things so that I can spend it on something more fun!

As part of this mantra that I live by, I don't buy magazine's. I think they're expensive and I can buy a new book for about the same price. Though I have to admit, there is something very posh feeling about buying a magazine and feeling posh whilst reading it ("oh yes, I can waste nearly five pounds on this magazine, because I'm so exceedingly successful")

Yesterday I broke my rule about not buying magazines and spent no less than £12 on the suckers. Sounds like a lot right? But let me tell you a little about it before you judge me by my own yardstick

  • The next three issues of 'BBC Good Food' for £1
  • The next five issues of 'Quick Cards Made Easy' for £5. Each issue comes with a free gift and some papers
  • The next six issues of 'Glamour' for £6 (does each issue of Glamour come with a free gift too?) They're also going to send me a free Dove haircare set for taking up the offer

Not bad huh? Fourteen magazines, five free gifts and a lovely shampoo set to seal the deal- all for £12- and all delivered to my house.

Almost as exciting as the time the IT guy found a huge New York style cheesecake in the reduced section for £1.
Almost... =)

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