The spend-a-thon continues. I'm surprised that the IT guy hasn't lost his patience with me yet. What can I say, I'm suffering with a severe case of the 'wanties' at the moment.
I think I may love my new Stampin' Up products the most out of anything I've bought recently
(maybe excepting the footed trifle dish! Behold its beautifulness)
With this set I can now make cards and gifts much more appropriate for each occasion, don't you think it looks super useful?
So pretty! This wedding stamp was on my order as soon as I saw it, it bypassed the wishlist completely! Now I can do really classy wedding cards and other wedding stationery in a flash.
I love to craft, it really makes me feel like I'm doing something for me. I try hard to do things for other people, but crafting is my indulgance and gives me my 'me time'. I don't get to do it as often as I would like but with the Bank Holidays (can't wait for the Diamond Jubilee!) approaching and some other time off work, I'm hoping to get a little more 'me time' than recent months.
Hope you've all been enjoying the nice weather and making the most of BBQ's, sun tans and ice lollies! It's going to cool down a bit later this week. Boo for putting away the flip flops, but yay for not having to take cold showers to stay cool!
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